Data science has the power to revolutionise business decision making.

Data is the key to unlocking success for any organisation. Get ready to see what your data can do.
Elevating the impact of data collection
Clear objective
Aligning your team
Accessible format
Pointed questions
Consistent response format
Anonymous & confidential
Providing you with the tools, insights, and expertise you need to succeed in today's fast-paced business world.

We work tirelessly to understand the data that makes up your business, before comparing it to industry trends, state benchmarks, and national averages to get a complete picture of your organisation.

Building trust through transparency.
We gather data from survey respondents to gain a greater understanding of individual behaviours, experiences, and perceptions across the workforce.
We use employee feedback to inform recommendations and initiatives within your organisation.
Confidentiality is essential when it comes to collecting authentic employee feedback. That's why we protect respondent data through de-identification and aggregation processes.
Responses to surveys are only disclosed in an aggregated and de-identified form. We also enforce anonymity thresholds to ensure employee privacy.
We’ve implemented secure access controls to limit access to survey data, so that only those who need it have the security to access it.
We only use the information necessary to provide a better service and platform to our customers. Your trust is our most valuable asset, and we're dedicated to earning it through our commitment to privacy and security.
Frequently Asked Questions
Personal Identifiable data will be used to send out email and SMS survey invitations to employees through a third-party API.
Demographic information will be used to categorise data and report grouped data back to the organisation. All survey responses will be de-identified and aggregated before being reported back to the organisation.
De-identified data will also be used to create industry benchmarks and may be used for research purposes.
We’ve engineered our platform to ensure user confidentiality by employing anonymity thresholds, de-identified data sets, aggregated data reporting, end-to-end encryption, secure access controls, and independent auditing.
Mental Injuries, also commonly called Psychological Injuries, are some of the most expensive workers compensation claims. They can cost up to four times more than claims relating to physical injuries. They also result in more time off work than physical injury claims.
Psychological injuries at work can be caused by a range of psychosocial risks. By proactively identifying whether your workforce is experiencing psychosocial risks, you can put preventative measures in place, which will result in a reduction in psychological injuries, and workers compensation claims.